Success! So this past weekend was JMU's Homecoming of course we targeted the older alumni.  We had three ladder ball sets that we had not sold from previous football games, so our goal was to sell all three.  As a group we came together and contemplated what the reason was that we did not have the sales that we projected; and collectively we found that marketing was our biggest problem. We all decided to gain a little nerve and go out and market hard, directly talking to customers and interacting with them.  Wouldn't you know it, it worked!  After setting up the ladder ball sets, we walked around with our sign and barely made it 200 yards from our cars, and sold all three sets in less than 15 minutes.  We talked to a JMU alum and her husband who were both entrepreneurs and they took to us immediately and gave us great feedback on our product as well as pointers for our future.  All in all, we had a great week and with our three sales, we have now sold 5 total sets for a profit of $225. 

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